
ArCHe’s comprehensive training programme includes individual research projects, academic and non-academic secondments as well as joint training events with a broad perspective. 

In a unique combination of a joint and personal training programme, ArCHe's PhD students are provided with

  1. Core scientific training on their respective PhD topics which will allow specialization, supported by the respective joint training elements 
  2. Participation in the encompassing Joint Training Program, including joint training events
  3. Non-academic secondments for each fellow to develop applied skills 
  4. Acquisition of transferrable and intersectoral skills through theoretical and practical learning

ArCHe will work in close contact with the doctoral programmes and graduate schools at beneficiary institutions. Each ArCHe PhD student will be enrolled in the graduate schools, which their beneficiary institution belongs to.

ArCHe will seek to ensure that ArCHe training counts towards completion of local PhD programs.

Open science practices, gender equality and the MSCA Green Charter

  • ArCHe adheres to the principles of open science and FAIR data.
  • ArCHe adheres to the principles of gender equality and diversity on all levels of the project.
  • ArCHe adheres to the MSCA Green Charter as a code of good practice to reduce the environmental footprint of the project. 


For inquiries about the training program of DN ArCHe, contact Project Coordinator professor Almut Schülke:

More about ArCHe