The Joint Training Program

ArCHe’s sophisticated Joint Training Program involves joint training events and regular project review & scientific exchange meetings.

The Joint Training Program consists of the following:

  1. Four academic PhD courses
    Besides lectures, the courses include presentations by those PhD students whose projects are relevant to the course, with another PhD student in the role of “opponent”, followed by group discussion. The courses will be located in the different coastal areas compared within ArCHe, with targeted excursions conveying the different coastal landscapes.
  2. Four workshops, connected to the PhD courses
    These courses involve a stronger practical element: learning by doing, experiencing landscape and cultural diversity, with a more creative and spontaneous learning atmosphere, guided by the main experts. 
  3. Three online seminars chaired by the PhD students
    These are particularly focused on developing general scientific, intersectoral and transferrable skills. 
  4. A digital conference for non-academic and academic stakeholders organized by the PhD students
    The conference unites training of transferable skills with ArCHe’s dissemination strategy.

Other components of training

Published Dec. 4, 2023 7:03 AM - Last modified Dec. 13, 2023 3:06 PM