WP5: Coastal Stone Age as contemporary heritage

This work package studies the present context and situatedness of Stone Age hunter-fisher-gatherers coastal heritage and future approaches to it.

Part of a Stone Age exhibition with information poster and displays

Exhibition “Collapse” at the Museum of Cultural History, University of Oslo. Photo: Almut Schülke

WP5 takes a broad and contemporary view of archaeological remains and landscapes pertaining to Stone Age (STA) and hunter-fisher-gatherer (HFG) coastal societies, including their meaning for diverse actors and stakeholders across Europe. It involves social anthropology, critical heritage studies, participant observation, interviews, study of heritage management and its practical application. 

Using ethnographic methods, WP5 identifies how STA locations and finds are used and understood by different groups (e.g. local residents, authorities, commercial actors, heritage professionals); how they become 'heritage' and how they are managed and communicated.

It uses these insights to assess the heritage management of the HFG legacy in coastal areas in different parts of Europe and to explore how STA remains can generate innovative heritage narratives that speak to current and future challenges confronting coastal and rural communities in Europe, particularly related to sustainability and climate change.

WP5 combines ethnographic investigation of particular cases with comparative study of heritage management and communication, activating cases from different areas in focus in this project.

Insights from the anthropology of place and landscape, critical heritage studies, more-than-human approaches and sustainability studies enables comparative contextualisation of how STA remains are managed and communicated and identify strategies for future sustainable development through research, JTEs, workshop on communication/filming, and non-academic secondments.


WP5 plays a key role in raising reflexivity among all stakeholders and strengthen links and dialogue both within the project and between team members and other actors.

Contact and PhD projects

  • WP-leader: Anna Bohlin (UGOT), co-leader: Almut Schülke (UiO)
  • Involved PhD-projects: DC8, DC9, DC10

See all of ArCHe's scientific work packages

Published Dec. 11, 2023 7:04 AM - Last modified Dec. 15, 2023 12:30 PM